Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The simpler the instrument the more human is needed

I am fascinated by instruments like the  korean instruments Daegǔm (bamboo flute) or Piri (double reed) which are really built simple and close to the nature. Even the best best Piris are really cheap - not more than 100 Euros I would guess. Normal ones are about 30 Euro!  Compared to the crazy prizes of western string instruments (even the strings are more expensive than a whole Piri) thats really nothing. Almost everybody could learn Piri, regarding the instrument prize. To learn Violin you have be born in a rich family...but this is another story.
The Daegǔm is one piece of bamboo that you of course have to choose well. Drill some wholes in it - that's it basically (I am exaggerating of course). Try to get a tone out of it - nothing comes out! A very difficult instrument, also physically. Or the Piri: also a (smaller) piece of bamboo with wholes and a double reed you stick on the top end of the tube. Blow inside and - nothing. After several attempts you may get the first queeek out it. The tone is very flexible and you have to adjust the pitch with your lips. Everything the instrument does not have by itself the player has to add with his body thus the human is a big part of the instrument. In a world full of high-tech, computers and smart-phones, these instrument are like from another world. Music is our connection to the nature. We are a part of the nature. We should not forget this.